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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by shii405 Fri 13 Oct 2017, 2:50 am

This is just random topic NOT about Reylo plot or characters, but about us, shippers, the believers since two years ago. Our feelings, our reactions, the crazy things we do because of Reylo, also perhaps on the change of tendency among general audience after TLJ trailer or even after the movie itself in the future. I thought it would be fun to discuss that.

I have a few questions for you.
1. How did you react to TLJ trailer a few days ago?
2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?
3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?

My answers:

1. I did not check this forum, so I really had no idea abt TLJ trailer ending. LOL, at the HAND scene, I was screeeeaaaminngg like crazy and jumped off of my bed, hahaha... my roommate was worried.

2. I feel GREAT FEAR now. I feel its too good to be true, I cannot believe Reylo is happening. What if its just an illusion and Reylo is not happening at all in the movie, LOL. But totally excited too. Really mixed feelings. I mean... its 2 years wait, dammit

3. I don't know how I'm gonna hold back not screaming Reylo at Reylo moments in the theater... at the least, I would totally squeal imagining all theories and speculations come true in TLJ. LOL and I live in Japan. Japanese are the most quiet audience and they hate noises everywhere. Maybe Im gonna get kicked out.

btw, has anyone noticed there are antis becoming neutral about Reylo now? I'm surprised with comments like "I used to be against Reylo 100% but now Im 50-50"

Maybe Reylo Universe will totally change after TLJ, we will need a bigger ship indeed!
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight

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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by FrolickingFizzgig Fri 13 Oct 2017, 6:26 am

I'll start by saying I've never been the most romantically inclined Reylo because I love romantic subtext more than actual romance and I think sometimes that crossing the line will take the spark away, but I was so beyond hyped by the trailer! I still am, haha.

1. I was sitting on my porch because I don't have internet yet in my apartment and I can pick up a signal from there (I'm there now too, LOL... it's cold). Anyway, the atmosphere in the thread really was like a sleepover with all of us waiting anxiously for the big news, then someone linked the trailer. Weirdly enough the whole day I had been thinking about how they just had to give us more than "The Jedi have to end blah, blah", so I was kind of expecting something intense Kylo-wise that would shock fans or shatter expectations. And once I got to watching the trailer the use of comparisons and back-and-forths between Rey and Kylo sort of spoiled the ending. You could say the camera flipping back to where the trailer started, to Kylo, was just so logically satisfying that by the time Rey started saying her line with the black screen I just knew they were going to cut to Kylo. I wasn't expecting the hand, though. Beautiful!

2. I'm not surprised because I definitely always saw canon Reylo coming in some capacity, be it platonic and spiritual or full-on romantic. I'm very excited because the trailer's introduction of the "RAWPOWAH" gave us all a nice explanation for Kylo's interest in Rey. "Don't be afraid, I feel it too" = #RAWPOWAH (or "something special", either way). In a way I think Reylos were wrong too because it wasn't about him being attracted to her light or having a crush on her, though at the time those were perfectly valid theories. It's an explanation that is very easy to grasp and accept by any SW fan because it's about the Force and how it "binds them". Add to that romantic imagery (see: THE HAND) and you have what we all love about Rey and Kylo's dynamic. That, and this brings us into territory that could evolve into mutual romantic feelings in IX.

3. I'm leaving that for when it happens because I don't know how I'll react. Smile
Force Ghost
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by SkyStar Fri 13 Oct 2017, 6:38 am

1) I was confused and speechless, especially because I didn't expect Kylo to be the first one to appear in the trailer. I watched the trailer on my phone just after I wake up and I thought I was still in a dream. It felt surreal. It was a rainy day (as usual here), so I put on a song that I've been listening to few days straight and went to work dancing and spinning with my umbrella in the rain.
2) At this point, I am really intrigued in their alliance that was teased in the trailer. I just want them to be soulmates and help each other.
3) I will be probably confused at the theatre and go out dancing. I sometimes feel sad that nobody in real life is as excited about it as I am. So I try to tone down my reactions when I am with other people because when I do care about something, I usually am scared that it will be criticised so I don't talk about it a lot. So I think I will try to act cool haha, but as much I can.
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Mana Fri 13 Oct 2017, 6:54 am

1. Well, I watched it live on Teusday morning, in bed. But that half hour before it aired was SO painful (can I just say, I don't get American football Very Happy. It just looked to me like a bunch of guys knocking each other over every few seconds, making the minutes drag on forever and ever and ever...), but I didn't want to miss it for the world, so I watched it live anyway. For some reason I felt pretty hopeful that we would get something great.
So the trailer started and when it came to the part with Kylo and Leia, I just jumped out of bed and I really wanted to scream! I got teary eyed because I knew Kylo wasn't going to pull the trigger.
And then at the end, when it went dark and Rey was saying 'I need someone...', I knew deep down they would cut to Kylo and it freakin' did and he even held out his hand!!!!!!
I had to pace up and down my room for a few minutes to get myself together, because I was shaking.
But yeah...that was a great moment!

2.Optimistic, but also a little nervous. Even though these past two years have been AWESOME for us...this is just the beginning and we've got the movie coming up in less than two months and then we can be absolutely sure.

3. I think I'll have to cover my mouth to keep from crying out with excitement Very Happy !!!!
Force Ghost
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Saracene Fri 13 Oct 2017, 7:05 am

1. I was at work and the trailer made me non-productive for the rest of the day, since all I did was checking the forum and reactions elsewhere haha. After months of Kylo being a no-show, I was taken aback with how much focus he got in the trailer, and how much it revealed. Of course it cloacked his internal conflict and the change in his relationship with Rey with, "OMG he might kill his mother now" and "these could totally be different scenes spliced together", but I didn't even expect that much.

2. I never doubted that Rey and Kylo's relationship would be important and shift significantly from where it was in TFA. Similar to what @FrolickingFizzgig said above, I think it's a brilliant move to give them this common ground based in the force, where they're not just force-sensitives but somehow even more special and apart from everyone else. I don't necessarily think that the mutual romantic feelings will spring in TLJ from this common ground, but further down the track, yes entirely possible. In fact they might be interconnected; like, imagine if we lived in a world where everyone had this whole other sense, would it play a part in the attraction between men and women? I'd say so.

3. I'm a reserved person so outwardly there'll be no reaction, but I'll be jumping up and down on the inside for sure Smile
Force Ghost
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Darth_Awakened Fri 13 Oct 2017, 7:17 am

1. I woke up in the middle of the night without planning it in advance. I went to this forum, and was waiting with everybody else logged at the time.
When the somebody posted the trailer and watched it and after the last scene I was in full postive shock but should stayed quite because my mum was sound asleep in the other room.

2. I'am optimistic.

3. We'll see.
Force Ghost
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Forsythia Fri 13 Oct 2017, 7:41 am

1. I was staying up all night to watch the trailer and then about half an hour before it was released, I lost the internet connection on my computer and was unable to fix it, so I had to watch the trailer on the small screen of my phone. When the trailer started, I was clutching my phone in my hands because I was so excited and pretty sure we would get at least some hint of Reylo. I was grinning stupidly because 1) we got so much Kylo without his mask and they did not show him as a villain but as a character we can empathize with and 2) the trailer was always switching between Rey and Kylo end emphasizing the parallels between them. I loved the moment when Luke is afraid of Rey's powers, indicating that she isn't as perfect as some people make her out to be, and the implication that he might not want to train her and she will have to turn to someone else to become her teacher. I was thinking "OMG, It's happening!" throughout the trailer and after the scene where Rey gets out of the water and we see her and Luke I thought Luke was Kylo because I couldn't see his face on the small screen, so I thought this was the rumoured cliff scene where Kylo saves her and I was so happy (guess how disappointed I was when I rewatched the trailer the next day on my computer and realized it was actually Luke...) So that scene had me already super excited and when Rey's line began "I need someone to show me my place in all this" I immediately knew they would cut to Kylo and when they did I was so happy, thinking "Reylo confirmed!", "No one can deny Reylo after this", "Did they really do that?" and so on, and fidgeting like crazy and smiling and then, when I thought things couldn't get any better, they showed Kylo reaching out to Rey and then I was silently screaming (because I didn't want to wake the entire house) because I was just so happy. Then I rewatched the trailer a couple of times and after that I couldn't fall asleep because I was so excited about Reylo and couldn't stop thinking about it.

2. I am mostly happy, but also very impatient because I can't wait for the film to be released. After realizing that not everyone saw the trailer as confirmation of Kylo's redemption and Reylo being canon or them becoming at least allies, I am a bit disappointed and can't wait for people changing their minds when they have seen the movie. But I am also a bit scared that the movie won't really confirm Reylo and we will have to wait two more years for it to actually happen in a way that no one can deny it anymore, and that we will have to put up with antis making fun of us and and attacking us even longer. And sometimes I feel less confident and think: what if I'm wrong and Reylo is not happening? I am usually very good at predicting canon ships early on when many people still don't see it, but for some reason 2017 is a bad year and has already sunk some of the ships that I thought would become canon and that were my OTPs, so I am scared it might happen with Reylo, too.

3. I am not sure how I will react then. Maybe similar to the trailer: grinning, silently screaming and fidgeting in my seat. But I will probably try to be inconspicuous because I am a very reserved person and not good at showing emotions in front of others. Besides, the people who will watch TLJ with me don't get shipping and don't know that I ship anything. Though, judging by my reaction to the short Reylo hints in the trailer, I really don't know if I'll be able to pull myself together if we get intense Reylo scenes Very Happy
Jedi Knight
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by IoJovi Fri 13 Oct 2017, 8:07 am

What an excellent topic!  I want to add that if anyone wishes to relive the excitement of Monday night, go to the archived Last Jedi Trailer thread in NIIMA Outpost, and begin reading on page 21.  It's awesome, and it gets me all excited all over again!

1.  You know those reaction videos that are being shared everywhere?  I absolutely wish someone would have gotten one of me.  I was yelling Oh My God Oh My God Oh God on repeat.  I think my husband was beginning to worry about me!  I had the gut feeling the camera would pan to Kylo after Rey's "I Need Someone" speech, but I was just watching intently.  Even if I had an inkling that was coming, nothing could have prepared me for seeing the real thing.

2.  It feels fantastic!  I realize anything can happen, but I'm at the point where I'm calling it now - we have this one in the bag.  I received a message from my fanboy friend yesterday whom I have been debating this now with him for two years with no seeing eye to eye in sight.  Yesterday he messaged me with a full concession.  It's not the "winning" part that's exciting for me - it's the fact I know I'm not seeing things that aren't there in the trailer, if he sees it too.  We're talking about a guy who couldn't see where Jon and Dany were headed in this season's GoT until that very last night in the cabin on the ship.  Laughing

3.  I've got several folks from this forum joining me for opening weekend.  It'll be a blast.  I'll be surrounded on all sides to help me my voice down, and from screaming!!!!
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Nyx Fri 13 Oct 2017, 8:08 am

1. I was pleasantly shocked. Did not expect Reylo would be acknowledged with that last scene (even if they may be two different scenes). It's a big deal that they decided to end the trailer with that scene. Basically reveals the essence of what's to come in TLJ. Also I was pleasantly surprised with all the Kylo scenes that we got. If anything the trailer gave me a sense that the Reylo fandom was spot on in regards to TFA interpretation and the groundwork that was laid for what is to come. Everything points to Reylo.
2. Excited/afraid. I know Kylo is getting a redemption and Reylo will somehow team up but I'm worried about two things:
a) I'm terrified of redemption equals death trope although I do find comfort in the fact that it's been already done with Anakin/Vader so I don't think they go down that road again. They have to tell a different story.
b) (In the long run) I want the whole Reylo package. I want the romance and will not be satisfied with just a platonic relationship between Kylo and Rey.
3. I'm gonna try to go to a morning screening and make sure noone is sitting beside me cause I will definitely be flailing, gasping, squeeing. lol


Jedi Youngling
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by shii405 Fri 13 Oct 2017, 8:34 am

SkyStar wrote:I sometimes feel sad that nobody in real life is as excited about it as I am. So I try to tone down my reactions when I am with other people because when I do care about something, I usually am scared that it will be criticised so I don't talk about it a lot. So I think I will try to act cool haha, but as much I can.
Awww, totally know how you feel! My boyfriend hates Kylo Ren (though he worships Darth Vader like a god), and when I talked to my two older brothers about TFA excitedly in a chat group that time (we all love Star Wars since we were kids), I asked "Who do you think Rey's parents are? I say, she's a Kenobi" and they were like "huh?? its obvious she's Luke's daughter right" i was like... "urgh, you're not my brothers..."

So yeah I'm also totally alone in this Reylo universe, but I am so grateful for this shelter right here. I feel this forum is my savior.
Jedi Knight
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by vaderito Fri 13 Oct 2017, 8:45 am

shii405 wrote:  

I have a few questions for you.
1. How did you react to TLJ trailer a few days ago?
2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?
3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?

1. I felt that Reylo was coming just from trailer mixing their music and scenes. When it happened at the end I was going "thank you, Rian, thank you thank you thank you". I was thinking about West Side Story clues that he was tweeting all day.

2. I feel great but also apprehensive cause I don't ant to get too attached to some headcanons.

3. I will loudly express my happiness. I know I will and fully expect I won't be alone. Knights of rant watched the trailer at Disney or somesuch place and say people were chanting Reylo after the last scene.

Last edited by vaderito on Fri 13 Oct 2017, 9:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by shii405 Fri 13 Oct 2017, 8:52 am

Just an observation. I was lurking on Japanese reactions of TLJ trailer on twitter. Lots of them are Reylo shippers and they call themselves the "Reylo tribe". None of them skeptic and doubtful or analyzing lights and everything, they just directly cheering, celebrating, saying "we are winning!" they even made Oct 10 (japanese trailer release) as Reylo Official Day, LOL. Meanwhile, FinnRey shippers are frustrated but they are not denying Reylo. I find it interesting that Japanese would accept things the way it is without much analysis, haha.
Jedi Knight
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by nite0wl29 Fri 13 Oct 2017, 9:08 am

First off, I'm just a few months fairly new to the Reylo community. I must say I'm so glad that I found this fabulous group! Not only have I been able to connect on here with fellow Reylo fans, but I've also connected with some on Instagram as well. When I first told my husband about the Reylo scenario he was like "What?? Nah!" And he's still pretty clueless right now and thinks Rey will go "dark". So you guys are all I have when it comes to talking about this developing relationship.

1. I was blown away by how much they showed of Kylo in the trailer! He's been kept in the d/l so much I figured they'd show a couple glimpses of him, but no, he was practically in every scene! When it came to the final scene and I heard Rey talking I was like "Omg! She's talking to Kylo!" And then they immediately go to showing him and extending his hand. I may have squealed a bit in excitement. And no I'm totally not sorry for being such a Reylo nerd Very Happy

2. I feel totally confident about Reylo in TLJ based off of what we've been handed by RJ as far as subtle hints (the West Side Story songs!) and other things. I'm super excited to see how it all plays out when's the pieces finally come together.

3. I'll probably have an ear-to-ear grin on my face Smile
Jedi Knight
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Darth Dingbat Fri 13 Oct 2017, 9:31 am

Great topic!

1. My mouth was gaping all the time, and when it was done, I had a stupid grin plastered on my face.

2. I still have the same stupid grin plastered on my face. Laughing The excitement just isn't wearing off! Not sure if I said this here the other day, but I'm a simple human being - it obviously doesn't take much to make me ridiculously happy... The biggest effect the trailer had on me was to make me trust the film 100%: whatever it brings, it's going to be gooooood. We were right about the core dynamic - so right it's almost eerie - and wherever it ends up will be fascinating to see.

I've considered myself one of the most romantic Reylos here, but that could be because I'm not a super romantic person in general (so my Reylo expectations are very romantic by my own standards, if not by others'). As a huge fan of old fiction and period dramas, I think a well-executed hand touch can be a thousand times more swoonworthy than a kiss, and I prefer subtext and meaningful glances and things being left to the imagination. Having said that, I absolutely believe Reylo is going to be a romance. But it's going to be a romance that grows alongside a mystical, Jungian, no doubt amazing plot much bigger than just the angsty romantic feelings of two young people, which is what makes it so exciting. It's the best and rarest kind of romance: a transcendent one.

3. I think I'll just have this same stupid grin plastered on my face. Laughing
Darth Dingbat
Darth Dingbat
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Tex Fri 13 Oct 2017, 10:18 am

shii405 wrote:
I have a few questions for you.
1. How did you react to TLJ trailer a few days ago?
2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?
3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?

1. So leading up to the trailer was extremely exciting. I was so hyped and the atmosphere on the forum was amazing. As others have said it was like one big slumber party. Since I don't have cable I was refreshing the Star Wars YouTube page every few seconds hoping it would pop up there the moment the trailer premiered on TV. The moment it popped up my gut reaction was to post it on the Forum as quickly as possible. I didn't want anyone to be left out. I just had a feeling it was going to blow our minds.

Reylo Shippers Universe Anigif_enhanced-15027-1439821990-6

Once posted I watched the trailer with bated breath. I did not expect to get so much unmasked Kylo. I'm sure I was grinning like an idiot. I loved Luke's WTF face and the back and forth illusions between Rey and Kylo's RAW POWAH lol. I'm not sure what was going through my mind when Rey started her "I need someone" speech, but I must have been holding my breath. Cause when they cut to Kylo my eyes about popped out of my head and then the shot of his hand had me screaming bloody murder. I screamed so loud and high pitched that it could have broken glass. Laughing My mother called me about a minute later cause she knew I was waiting all day for the trailer. I could barely speak, my words were all jumbled. She was like "WTF are you saying? I can't understand you!" I was rambling and out of breath, shocked, excited, just in utter disbelief. Completely over the moon.

2. I feel blessed. So blessed to have been able to go on this journey with all of you. Through the highs and the lows. What a ride it has been and we're not done yet. The Reylo community is truly amazing and filled with such talented people. I know when it's all said and done, and Reylo is canon that I'll be able to look back on all this with fond memories and hopefully with lasting friendships.

Reylo Shippers Universe Tumblr_oxptifYNmo1rlt28mo1_400

3. I'll probably cry and be overwhelmed for sure. It will have been a long time coming, but it will have been worth the wait. As they saying anything good is worth waiting for.

Reylo Shippers Universe Latest?cb=20160414230154
Jedi Knight
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Camaro Fri 13 Oct 2017, 10:43 am

It's been a long time since I've posted on this forum. I was one of the OG "Reylo" supporters from the "Place that shall not be mentioned" aka the Eveel Empire where most of us actually met. I had to take a break from the fandom for multiple reasons. Some were personal, some had to do with the fandom itself and the extreme toxicity I was battling. It also got to a point where I was so intensely attached to the idea of Reylo, I just couldn't deal with the incessant speculation and wait. I had to focus on something else for fear of going batshit. One could say I was saving my impetus for when we were nearer to the actual Episode 8 release and all the Rogue One stuff had died down. Also, I hated the feeling of being jerked around by so many tidbits coming from official sources that at once seemed to contradict and support my theories. But here I am again, as I promised myself I would, because Lord knows I haven't stopped thinking about these two in private for too long.

shii405 wrote:1. How did you react to TLJ trailer a few days ago?

Are you kidding me? I don't think I could explain. I woke up at 6am knowing it was THE DAY. Before I could grab my phone and load up Youtube, my husband came over and said... literally "that Kylo Ren is full evil, I can't believe he's going to kill his own mother now." At which point I grabbed my phone. And I... well... I lost it. I still haven't recovered. I was mesmerized by everything. Loved every single bit. Especially the presence of so much unmasked Kylo. Listening to Luke speak so much, his awe. The way the whole thing was put together gave me Reylo vibes from the get go. It's so hard to describe. But that connection is HUGE. It's so vital, central and... well, raw... it was like having all I've been thinking since TFA finally confirmed on screen. At the end, I just went crazy, I screamed and shook and I kid you not, I was nearly in tears. My husband has slowly turned around from being a full on Reylo hater to finally understanding and he just looked at me and said. "It's happening isn't it. I think it is."

shii405 wrote:2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?

Well, the funny thing is I don't even know. Over the past two years I made my peace with the idea that no matter how TFA played out and all the undercurrents in it, you just never know whether they're going to have the balls to actually want to go full Reylo. And when I say Reylo, I mean it as a ship. No "platonic connection", "united through the force", "ying yang". I do mean. REYLO... as in a romantic connection. A pairing. A full blown actual ship. That is my personal desire and what I mean by the term, which originally was used as shippers term and grew out of a romantic implication in the relationship between these two. I used to deny I wanted that very early on. Now I just admit it. I want Reylo and I'm certainly not ashamed, no matter the verbal abused received from ants for too long. But I also don't actually expect it to come true, as crazy as that sounds. I don't know that it will. If it doesn't, all the distance I put between me and the fandom for so many months has assured that I'll be able to at least take it. I'm 50-50 on whether romantic Reylo will happen. I know the unromantic connection and Kylo's redemption is undeniable. It's the romance aspect that has me torn because I still can't be sure they'll go there.

shii405 wrote:3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?

I've been saying this for two years. I will literally shout out "REYLO!" in the theater and embarass my husband.
Jedi Youngling
Jedi Youngling

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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Cowgirlsamurai Fri 13 Oct 2017, 10:45 am

I thought I was going to pass out Monday night between waiting for the trailer, reacting to the Reyloness of it, and then trying to get tickets right after that on a site that was a little behind.

I'm so glad we have this community to come to because no one I know in real life is as excited about this stuff as I am (unless @Tex and I get together for a viewing Wink)

Then I was perturbed Tuesday when so many people were interpreting the trailer to mean that Kylo would kill Leia and turn Rey to the dark side. I was ready to get "nasty woman" on some people, but dialed it back, lol. Now I'm back to "I can't believe it's all happening."
Force Ghost
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Tex Fri 13 Oct 2017, 11:10 am

Cowgirlsamurai wrote:I thought I was going to pass out Monday night between waiting for the trailer, reacting to the Reyloness of it, and then trying to get tickets right after that on a site that was a little behind.

I'm so glad we have this community to come to because no one I know in real life is as excited about this stuff as I am (unless @Tex and I get together for a viewing Wink)

Then I was perturbed Tuesday when so many people were interpreting the trailer to mean that Kylo would kill Leia and turn Rey to the dark side. I was ready to get "nasty woman" on some people, but dialed it back, lol. Now I'm back to "I can't believe it's all happening."

It's going to happen! Light the Reylo "bat-signal" and I'll be there LOL. Razz
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight

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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Guest Fri 13 Oct 2017, 11:23 am

shii405 wrote:This is just random topic NOT about Reylo plot or characters, but about us, shippers, the believers since two years ago. Our feelings, our reactions, the crazy things we do because of Reylo, also perhaps on the change of tendency among general audience after TLJ trailer or even after the movie itself in the future. I thought it would be fun to discuss that.

I have a few questions for you.
1. How did you react to TLJ trailer a few days ago?
2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?
3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?

My answers:

1. I did not check this forum, so I really had no idea abt TLJ trailer ending. LOL, at the HAND scene, I was screeeeaaaminngg like crazy and jumped off of my bed, hahaha... my roommate was worried.

2. I feel GREAT FEAR now. I feel its too good to be true, I cannot believe Reylo is happening. What if its just an illusion and Reylo is not happening at all in the movie, LOL. But totally excited too. Really mixed feelings. I mean... its 2 years wait, dammit

3. I don't know how I'm gonna hold back not screaming Reylo at Reylo moments in the theater... at the least, I would totally squeal imagining all theories and speculations come true in TLJ. LOL and I live in Japan. Japanese are the most quiet audience and they hate noises everywhere. Maybe Im gonna get kicked out.

btw, has anyone noticed there are antis becoming neutral about Reylo now? I'm surprised with comments like "I used to be against Reylo 100% but now Im 50-50"

Maybe Reylo Universe will totally change after TLJ, we will need a bigger ship indeed!

1. When I first watched the trailer, I thought it looked great for the first two minutes. I was moved by Kylo's expressions when he warred with himself over whether or not to fire, and Leia's resolve was just amazing. I think that it looks fantastic. When they showed rey at the end saying 'I need someone..." I had this weird sensation and thought, no, there's no way they'd... and then they showed Kylo holding his hand out to her, and I fistpumped the air. Literally.

2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?
Oh, 100%. I know everyone has their doubts and ideas of how it's going to go down, but now more than ever, Rey will need him. She's been alone her whole life, and now to be ostracized when she discovers she has all these powers, and the one man who should understand and help her fears her, that's going to drive her straight to Kylo Ren, and I think he's going to come back with an agenda of revenge, but he will flip for her completely, and we are going to get Reylo in spades. I'm going to make a few bold predictions, and keep in mind these are entirely what I think will happen, not based off of anything. I write romance for a living (and have done for a while), and I saw Reylo straight away in TFA. It wasn't us all hallucinating it. They put the choker shots in there for a reason.
Prediction 1: They are going to spend a lot of time together on Ahch-To. I'm tal king researching together, eating together, looking at a sunset together. This isn't going to be Padme and Anakin's picnic; they'll fight and argue and Rey will struggle with him having killed Han. But there will be a lot of discussions and she'll begin to understand him more. He in turn, will fall in love with her.
Prediction 2: Beneath the angst, there will be a lot of sexual tension. Luke is going to be third wheeling it a lot.
Prediction 3: They WILL kiss. Whether in a Force-shared dream, Rey being tempted in the temple, or Kylo simply taking the opportunity, it's going to happen. It might be a fleeting kiss or inquisitive, or something as long as a minute. But we are getting a Reylo kiss.

3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?
I plan on leaning over to my husband and saying "I told you so." Very Happy I'm expecting it, and I'm going to fangirl it up to the nines.


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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by vaderito Fri 13 Oct 2017, 11:32 am

I just want to say that watching the last scene gif while listening to Jonerys Theme (Truth) feels so good. cheers
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by snufkin Fri 13 Oct 2017, 11:53 am

1. How did you react to TLJ trailer a few days ago?

I was online for late Monday afternoon/early evening because I was curious but ended up chatting with another forum member about something which had nothing to do with the poster or trailer. I got sidetracked after our conversation ended, realized it had probably been released, checked back here, saw somebody posted it from YouTube and WOW. I knew that it wouldn't be the bullshit scenario that certain hives of scum and villainy (not to mention fanboy misogyny) kept insisting it was going to be. Blown away just on its technical merits alone, especially the cinematography and score/sound editing. But beyond that my jaw was on the floor because it's exactly what everybody here saw in TFA and thought would be both the best and most logical next chapter. It's really something to see an idea you've had for nearly 18 months actually play out. It's too bad a lot of fans have already jumped to the conclusions that Evil Kylo kills his mommy and tries to seduce Rey to the Darkside because they're missing out on a much more interesting and exciting story. Like somebody here (either @SoloSideCousin or @ISeeanIsland) mentioned in a discussion about Francis Ford Coppola's films, we're going to get the Star Wars equivalent to the Godfather, Part II.

2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?
I'm looking forward to it so much, along with the other reasons I'm just looking forward to a Rian Johnson movie (I've seen his stuff starting back when Roger Ebert talked up Brick). What I'm going to have to figure how to filter out are all the Think Pieces and Hot Takes you know are coming about the movie and these characters. Because these were the same outlets which pushed the idea that he's supposed to be like a MRA or School Shooter type, which they'd never go there in the franchise. We've already had one feminist hot take on how Rey should stay single because that's somehow transgressive. Newsflash, the Virgin Warrior is an archetype going back to ancient times and another way of restricting women if they're allowed to participate in the world outside of the domestic sphere. Brace yourselves for Bad Hot Takes about Reylo and Feminism.

3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?
Probably the same way I was when I saw TFA for the first time and got the biggest stupidest grin on my face once those two nerds crossed paths and realized how incredibly sneaky and brilliant JJ and Lawrence Kasdan were. Not to mention the General herself, Carrie Fisher saying back in 1980 that the sex scene in a Star Wars movie should be the heroine getting it on with the villain. Did not see that coming and those two are still the absolute best part of that movie. I'm really hoping @RandomObserver is right that we get an extended amount of time of those two together because they are so ridiculously entertaining and take the story to a completely different level. They were like the locked in the trunk scene for Soderbergh's Out of Sight where Cisco and Foley are opponents (he's kidnapped her no less) but their dialogue and battle of the wills is so goddamn sexy. Or Laurel Canyon when Natasha McEhlone and Christian Bale are sitting in a car talking and never touch each other or the entire movie Charade with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. If they kiss, I'll be happy because I know that it'll make some of you really happy. But if they keep that whole intense vibe where it's a meeting of the minds, I'm down for that. I'll be at the first showing in my town so I just hope I don't have a lot of people shouting or being jerks if they don't like what they see on screen. Being with a Japanese audience would be my dream scenario because I don't like noise/distraction when I'm watching a movie.
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by DarthRen Fri 13 Oct 2017, 4:53 pm

shii405 wrote:This is just random topic NOT about Reylo plot or characters, but about us, shippers, the believers since two years ago. Our feelings, our reactions, the crazy things we do because of Reylo, also perhaps on the change of tendency among general audience after TLJ trailer or even after the movie itself in the future. I thought it would be fun to discuss that.

I have a few questions for you.
1. How did you react to TLJ trailer a few days ago?
2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?
3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?

My answers:

1. I did not check this forum, so I really had no idea abt TLJ trailer ending. LOL, at the HAND scene, I was screeeeaaaminngg like crazy and jumped off of my bed, hahaha... my roommate was worried.

2. I feel GREAT FEAR now. I feel its too good to be true, I cannot believe Reylo is happening. What if its just an illusion and Reylo is not happening at all in the movie, LOL. But totally excited too. Really mixed feelings. I mean... its 2 years wait, dammit

3. I don't know how I'm gonna hold back not screaming Reylo at Reylo moments in the theater... at the least, I would totally squeal imagining all theories and speculations come true in TLJ. LOL and I live in Japan. Japanese are the most quiet audience and they hate noises everywhere. Maybe Im gonna get kicked out.

btw, has anyone noticed there are antis becoming neutral about Reylo now? I'm surprised with comments like "I used to be against Reylo 100% but now Im 50-50"

Maybe Reylo Universe will totally change after TLJ, we will need a bigger ship indeed!

1. I had to watch Chicago Bears and Minnesota Vikings play on MNF. Anyone who knows a bit about NFL will you big of a feraking dedication to Star Wars that was. I was almost sleeping here, it was like 4:00 am or something. My friend called me and his message was REYLO IS COMING!

2. Excited, nervous of what will be the nature of their relationship, where it will progress and what is the endgame for them.

3. Actually, I plan to watch it with my girlfriend who is a casual SW fan, then with my nerdy family and friends and for easter eggs and details just on my own. Probably gonna just gonna enjoy and be civil as much as I can.  Cool
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by SheLitAFire Fri 13 Oct 2017, 6:58 pm

shii405 wrote:This is just random topic NOT about Reylo plot or characters, but about us, shippers, the believers since two years ago. Our feelings, our reactions, the crazy things we do because of Reylo, also perhaps on the change of tendency among general audience after TLJ trailer or even after the movie itself in the future. I thought it would be fun to discuss that.

I have a few questions for you.
1. How did you react to TLJ trailer a few days ago?
2. How do you feel now that Reylo is getting near to coming true?
3. How do you think you will react in theater when we actually get Reylo intense moments?

My answers:

1. I did not check this forum, so I really had no idea abt TLJ trailer ending. LOL, at the HAND scene, I was screeeeaaaminngg like crazy and jumped off of my bed, hahaha... my roommate was worried.

2. I feel GREAT FEAR now. I feel its too good to be true, I cannot believe Reylo is happening. What if its just an illusion and Reylo is not happening at all in the movie, LOL. But totally excited too. Really mixed feelings. I mean... its 2 years wait, dammit

3. I don't know how I'm gonna hold back not screaming Reylo at Reylo moments in the theater... at the least, I would totally squeal imagining all theories and speculations come true in TLJ. LOL and I live in Japan. Japanese are the most quiet audience and they hate noises everywhere. Maybe Im gonna get kicked out.

btw, has anyone noticed there are antis becoming neutral about Reylo now? I'm surprised with comments like "I used to be against Reylo 100% but now Im 50-50"

Maybe Reylo Universe will totally change after TLJ, we will need a bigger ship indeed!

1. I was excited throughout the whole thing. I've already posted my favorite parts elsewhere on this board but I still love when Rey splits the ground open, odd/dark/scared Luke, the emotion in Leia & Kylo's eyes, Snoke & Rey scene, ALL the voice overs, and of course the end. I squealed & gushed watching it on YouTube with my husband. Then I felt really overwhelmed after lol

2. I feel cautionary excitement. I know some kind of Reylo dynamic will happen but I'm not sure how much of a romantic dynamic we'll get in this movie even if it is end game for the ST. I think it'll be a meaningful bond for sure. I love angst & the tension before a romance really blossoms anyway so I won't be disappointed if it doesn't progress much in 8.

3. I'll probably be giddy lol my husband isn't a Reylo shipper mostly because he doesn't like to guess/speculate as much as I do. I've talked to him about some Reylo stuff and he's not opposed to it. But I have a feeling I'll be celebrating by myself in the theater lol I wish I lived near some or any of you so I could experience it with you. Anyone live in Colorado? Lol
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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by Moonlight13 Fri 13 Oct 2017, 10:29 pm

1.  I couldn’t believe my eyes Shocked, especially when they showed that Kylo and Leia moment (it was an obvious hint that he will be redeemed!) Stretcher . I also loved the amount of screen time Kylo got because I was expecting him to make just a brief appearance, like in the teaser trailer.
In that second after Rey said: “I need someone to show me my place in all this”, my first thought was: “Could she be talking to Kylo?! Nah, they wouldn’t do that, it’s too good to be true… Neutral ” so I was in utter shock when it actually happened affraid . I couldn’t stop crying like an idiot, and my mom, who was in the same room, got worried.  Laughing

2.  Immediately after the trailer, I thought “Now it’s not impossible to see a kiss in TLJ” Laughing . I must admit I was losing my faith in Reylo happening but the trailer gave me a lot more confidence. However, I’m still keeping my expectations low because I don’t want to be disappointed.

3. I want to believe that I will keep my cool because I’m a very reserved person (I can have a poker face and be internally screaming) but to be honest, I don’t trust myself anymore ROFL . I just hope I don’t embarrass myself in front of so many people Shy .

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Reylo Shippers Universe Empty Re: Reylo Shippers Universe

Post by ReyofLightSide Fri 13 Oct 2017, 11:06 pm

1. The trailer was amazing and I was surprised at how much Kylo was in it. When they showed Rey at the end talking to someone, I thought "it should be Kylo but it won't be ...." and when they showed him and The Hand I screamed. I could not believe it. It was really like we made a fanmade trailer.

2. It's amazing to see it play out. Two years of what the Reylos fans have put up with from antis. Acting like we are crazy. We know what we saw in TFA. As soon as I saw the interrogation scene, I knew. And I went in knowing the plot leak from MSW and I thought they would be related (the plot leak did not say it, I just assumed).
I also love that Rian is respectful of the fandom.

3. I have no idea! My friends here are not Star Wars fanatics in the least and don't get it. Will be interesting to see how the theater reacts. One great thing about Celebration was getting to see the teaser trailer with the Reylos.
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